Are You Cupiosexual? Cupiosexuality Origins, Meaning & Flag


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What Is Cupiosexual?

Cupiosexuality is a term that is used to refer to a specific label of asexuality. While a more general term, asexuality, can be used to describe someone who feels virtually no attraction to others, cupiosexuality can be used to refer to someone who feels little to no attraction, but still desires a sexual relationship. 

According to Tanya M. Bass, PhD, sexologist, cupiosexuality is an aspect of asexuality when a person might want a sexual relationship, with almost no attraction. Bass reiterates the importance of the fact that if someone identifies as asexual, it does not necessarily mean that they are not interested in sexual relationships, and cupiosexual people are the best example of it. 

What Is The Difference Between Cupiosexual, Asexual, And Greysexual?

As we’ve already mentioned cupiosexuality falls under asexuality, which means that a person can be asexual and cupiosexual at the same time. However, this also means that not all asexual people are cupiosexual. 

Greysexualilty falls somewhere between asexuality and sexuality. This term is kind of vague, and is used to describe people that might experience sexual attraction sometimes, but, for the most part, they are not interested in sexual relationships.

Cupiosexuality Term: Origins

Cupiosexual was originally referred to as “kalosexual”. According to some sources, the term was brought to life by a Tumblr user “acelyssie”, but then was scrapped and changed to “cupiosexual”. 

Are You Cupiosexual? 

If you feel you might be cupiosexual, the first thing to ask yourself is if you fall under the asexuality spectrum. If you are feeling little to no sexual attraction, you might be asexual. But if at the same time, you want to have a sexual relationship, you might be cupiosexual. 

To be able to figure it out, it might be helpful to connect with the right community and ask cupiosexual people to share their feelings & experiences and see if you can relate to them. 

Cupiosexual Flag Meaning


The first time cupiosexual flag was being used was on the 4th of July, 2015. To this day, it is not known who designed the cupiosexual flag. The flag contains the colors grey, blue, white and pink, all in light shades. This is the most popular version of the flag, yet, there are some other versions available. 

Unfortunately, there is still no specific understanding of what the colors on the flag stand for, but the author of the post published on Live Love LGBTQ+ took a stab at explaining the colors, which we thought made a lot of sense. 

  • The grey color stands for asexuality and greysexuality. As cupiosexuals are similar to greysexuals, and cupiosexuality falls under asexuality, having grey color on the flag makes sense.
  • The white color on the cupiosexual flag stands for allosexuality, as cupiosexual people can experience sexual attraction. 
  • The pink color on the flag can signify the fact that cupiosexual people can still have relationships and sex.
  • The blue color represents community.

What Is The Opposite Of Cupiosexual?

The opposite of cupiosexual is orchidsexual, which also refers to a label on the asexual spectrum. Orchidsexualilty is a micro-label on the asexuality spectrum and it can be used to describe a person that feels sexual attraction but has no desire for a sexual relationship. 

What Is Cupioromantic?

Cupioromantic, which can also be known as kalosromantic, is a micro-label that falls under the aromantic spectrum. A cupioromantic person does not experience romantic attraction, but can still want a romantic relationship. 

Cupioromantic people can also feel romantic attraction sometimes, just like demiromantic people can date someone before they feel any attraction or as frayromantic people can date someone after they lose romantic attraction for.