Adderall And Anxiety: Can It Help With Panic Disorders?

Adderall For Anxiety

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Can you take Adderall for anxiety? Read the article to find out all the details about Adderall and its link with anxiety disorders.

If you are looking to find out whether Adderall can help or cause anxiety, you are in the right place. Here, we will talk about what Adderall is, which conditions it is usually prescribed for and why some people think that it can cure their anxiety. 

Adderall is not an anti-anxiety medication – it falls under the class of stimulants that are comprised of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Adderall is working to increase a person’s attention span, energy, and motivation levels. 

This drug is working by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the human body. Typically, Adderall, as a stimulant, can cause a feeling of euphoria or rush and increase heart rate and blood pressure.

Should you take Adderall if you have anxiety?

Adderall is not typically prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication and can even make anxiety feelings more intense in some cases.

If you are looking for alternative ways to manage your anxiety, check out our summary of the best-rated anxiety rings.

Does Adderall have a calming effect?

Adderall is known to have a mood-boosting effect due to the release of stimulants that can help with focus and concentration.

Does Adderall Help With ADHD?

Adderall is known to help with ADHD when the dosage is strictly followed. Doctors can prescribe Adderall to people with ADHD to help them improve their attention span and ability to focus for long periods of time. 

Adderall For Anxiety: Does Adderall Help With Anxiety If You Have ADHD?

Adderall For Anxiety

Since ADHD and anxiety often go hand in hand in many individuals, it is important to at first consult with your doctor before taking Adderall for your ADHD, if you also have anxiety. Anxiety and Adderall can be very closely linked, and long-term usage of Adderall can potentially lead to panic attacks.

Adderall for Other Anxiety Disorders

Adderall is known to provide short-term relief from the symptoms of some mental health disorders. The US Department of Health and Human Services mentions the following disorders:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Panic Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)

However, it is important to note that while the short-term usage can benefit some individuals with anxiety disorders, the longer-term use of Adderall can interact with the brain’s chemistry, which can lead to increased anxiety in some individuals.

Related: Melatonin For Anxiety.

Adderall For Anxiety: Can Adderall Cause Anxiety?

Adderall can potentially cause anxiety in some people due to the way it interacts with the brain. Adderall is causing the number of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, to increase. These chemicals can cause a person to feel a boost in the mood. However, the increased brain activity caused by Adderall can lead to anxiety in some individuals.

Some indirect side-effects of Adderall can cause anxiety as the effect of stimulants starts to wear off. In addition, if someone takes Adderall on a regular basis, it can potentially cause addiction and might make people feel anxious when not using the drug.

How to Treat Anxiety Caused by Adderall?

Whenever someone develops anxiety caused by Adderall, they should immediately contact their doctor to discuss the possible solutions. It is important to speak with the doctor as soon as the person is feeling anxious either due to the prolonged use of Adderall or due to short-term use.